
Q`uo文集 - 2020元月问答集(20200111)

爱/光研究中心 一的法则 2021-10-04

Copyright © 2020 L/L Research


主题摘要: 如何与高我接触;信心的作用;与造物者合一;身体催化剂;理解负面能量;恶魔的由来

































































































在此时,我们将离开这个器皿和团体,一如既往,为着你们在这个特定日子分享爱之振动的机会,感谢每一位。你们在一个困难的幻象中移动,却在寻求的旅程中找到如此大量的太一无限造物者的爱与临在,我们总是对于这样的真理寻求者的坚持不懈而感到惊奇。我们是你们认识的Q’uo群体。我们把各位留在太一无限造物者的爱与光之中。Adonai vasu borragus。


Translated by T.S.

(V) 2020 Reviewed by cT.






Saturday Meditation


January 11, 2020


(Jim channeling)


I am Q’uo and am with this instrument,and we thank each present for inviting us today. We greet each of you in thelove and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. It is always a pleasure forus to be called to your group, for your seeking hearts are that which attractsour admiration more than any other quality. We, as always, would ask you asimple favor. We are not ultimate authorities; therefore, we would ask you totake the words and concepts which we provide you today and use them in whateverway has meaning for you. If there are any words or concepts which do not atthis time have meaning for you, we would suggest that you set them asidewithout a second thought. In this way, we will feel free to speak those wordsand concepts which we feel might be helpful in response to any queries you mayhave for us.


At this time, we would ask if there is aquery with which we may begin.


Q1: Hello, Q’uo. Could you tell us how aseeker could get in touch with their higher self to ask it questions about ourlife’s mission in this incarnation?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of yourquery, my sister. The higher self is a portion of your being which stands readyto provide you with information and inspiration as a result of your heart-feltasking in what you may call the meditative state, or within the dream state,whichever has more accessibility to you. It is a type of communication that isoftentimes engaged within to provide the kind of guidance that is at presenteluding the seeker of truth, and has considerable meaning in the life path, sothat the qualities of faith and will come into play in this regard.


If, in the meditative state, forexample, you can ask for the assistance of your higher self, listing thequality that you are seeking to be illuminated upon as a function of openingyour heart more and more fully in unconditional love for those about you. Thus,the faith aspect, then, becomes significant in that in the asking forassistance from your higher self, then, provide a bridge to your higher selfthrough the faith that such is possible, and is likened unto your birthright,shall we say. Then, with the power of your will and your faith acting together,construct that bridge from your own heart to your higher self symbolically, sothat this pathway may be a two-way communication.


If you are able to accomplish thisvisualization within your meditative state, there is every possibility thatyour higher self will feel the power of your will, your faith, and your need tobe directed in a certain fashion upon your spiritual path.


Is there a follow-up query, my sister?


Q1: No, thank you.


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and we thank you. Isthere another query at this time?


Q2: Yes, hello, Q’uo. Why do we needfaith?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of yourquery, my sister. The illusion of your third-density experience is that whichis so convincing to most entities within it, that for any entity to feel orbelieve that there is a reality beyond this illusion, is oftentimes seen asfallacious or foolish by those about one, for to most entities within yourthird-density illusion, it seems obvious that the only reality is that whichmeets their eyes and their senses upon a daily basis. It is not possible formost entities to look beyond the illusion so that they may expand their viewand get what you might call a more cosmic overview.


Those, however, who are conscious seekersof truth, as you may call them, have within their own being, whether it becommunication through intuition, through experiences of their own of aspiritual nature, or through mental belief in one kind of spiritual experienceor path, [the possibility] that the faith aspect of the seeker may become theguiding star, shall we say, that leads the seeker in the direction that itwishes to travel upon its spiritual journey. Faith is that quality that allowsthe conscious seeker of truth to begin to apprehend the greater nature of itsown being, of the reality in which it lives and moves and has its being in thethird density, and the greater vision of the nature of creation that liesbeyond the third-density illusion, and partakes of the unity of the One InfiniteCreator.


Thus, faith is likened unto anenergizer, or as we said before, a marker upon the way, a guiding star, thatcan speak to the spiritual aspect of one’s being, and allow the mental aspectto apprehend in a clearer fashion, that which is the truer nature of the self,of the reality in which the self exists, of the path upon which the selftravels, and the destination of the journey being the One Infinite Creator.


Is there a further elaboration of thequestion, my sister?


Q2: Yes. Is it possible to be One withthe Creator while still existing in a physical body?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of yourquery, my sister. Indeed, it is not only possible, but that is the reality foreach entity and each portion of the one infinite creation, for the Creator hasmade all that there is out of its own being so that it may know itself morefully through all of the free will choices that each of the portions of itselfshall make on their journey back into unity with the One Infinite Creator.Thus, your task, as a conscious spiritual seeker of truth, is to become moreand more aware of the Creator existing within each iota of your being and,indeed, existing entirely in the one infinite creation. This is a type ofrealization which can be experienced by the conscious seeker of truth as itgoes further and further along its path of seeking, for the path itself isformed of the One Creator. There are exercises which are helpful to the seekerof truth that might aid in the perception of the Creator about one.


As you look about you in your dailyexperience, in the meditative state, look and see the One Creator. Feel, insome essence and some degree, the Creator within yourself seeing itself throughyour eyes. When you see other entities moving about you, see the Creator. Whenyou look into a mirror, see the Creator. These may sound like the mostsimplistic of exercises, however, if done with a sincere desire to see theCreator, and to know, from the heart of one’s being, that such is true and suchis possible, then the Creator may reveal itself more and more to you as youseek it, for as you seek it, you draw unto yourself the ability to perceive itmore and more fully in your own experience of the spiritual journey.


Is there a further query, my sister?


Q2: No, thank you.


Q’uo: I am Quo and we thank you. Isthere another query at this time?


Lynn: Q’uo, are there any distortions orspiritual factors that can contribute to physical issues such as acid reflux,besides just what one eats?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of yourquery, my sister. The body is the creature of the mind’s creation. Therefore,it is oftentimes the case that the body will be utilized by the mind and thespirit when certain catalyst, or opportunities for growth have not been fullyrecognized or utilized in the life experience. These types of catalyst then,are sometimes given to the body in order that they may be expressed in a kindof distortion, or what you would call a dis-ease. This dis-ease, then, grabsthe attention of the mind, which has not fully perceived the catalyst upon themental level, and if the seeker of truth looks at the dis-ease as a symbol ofthat catalyst which has not been fully utilized, there may be the apprehensionthen, of a deeper meaning to the dis-ease so that one may find a kind ofcorrelation to the disease and the catalyst.


The reflux that you speak of could beseen, for example, as the inability to feed upon or realize spiritual nutritionfrom certain mental catalyst within your daily round of activities. We say thisas a potential, not as an actuality for your very essence of being at thistime. The type of dis-eases that one may experience, have, in theirmanifestation within the physical vehicle, the means by which the seeker oftruth may find a corollary to the catalyst that has been misperceived, shall wesay.


In the meditative state, then, it mightbe helpful to look upon your dis-ease as a means by which further spiritualgrowth is possible, if you are able to open yourself to greater possibilitieswithin the meditative state. We suggest the meditative state for all suchconsiderations, for the mental state is one which is filled to overflowing withvarious concepts and possibilities that may or may not have an application toyour situation. The meditative state, then, is that state wherein these variouspossibilities begin to fall away until only that which has significance to yourcurrent situation remains.


Is there a further query, my sister?


Lynn: No, thank you, Q’uo.


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and we thank you, mysister. Is there another query at this time?


Jan: We have a query from Sherry, andSherry says, “It is my understanding that by taking in dark energy orservice-to-self polarized catalyst and applying our light energy, or service-to-othersorientation to it, we not only can dispel the darkness, but can actuallytransmute it into a third type of energy, which is the Christ energy. This isof supreme importance to our planet and our people at this time—kind of a oneplus one equals three. I had a dream where Jesus explained it and gave me asymbolic gold ring so that I would remember this as alchemy. Do I understandthis concept properly? Can Q’uo talk about this spiritual alchemy and how wemay be as efficacious as possible at this practice? It seems easier tovisualize when I think of the human body as a crystal.


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of yourquery, my sister. Indeed, this type of spiritual alchemy is possible for theone who has traveled with great experience and success upon the spiritual pathfor a period of time. This alchemy is the work of the adept.


The adept, then, within the meditativestate, can, indeed, look upon the various negatively oriented expressions ofenergy within the planetary consciousness that attempt to separate entitiesfrom each other and control them in a certain fashion that meets theprerequisites of certain negatively oriented entities which are operatingwithin your planetary influence at this time. This is what you may call a kindof representation of the battle of Armageddon where the positively andnegatively oriented entities begin to interact in a fashion which has thepurpose of allowing the population of this planet for the positively orientedentities to be free to make choices of their own freewill, whereas thenegatively oriented entities seek to have domination and control of this planetand its population, that they may add it to their empire, as they call it. Theadept, then, within the meditative state, may see this battle being fought sothat there are various negative energies in motion that may be perceived withinthe population of the planet as country against country, or faction againstfaction, even family member against family member may be seen to be partakingin this type of negatively oriented energizing of the desire to control for thebenefit of the self.


These energies, then, are seen by theadept as that which can be surrounded by the love and the light of the adept asit channels this love and light from the One Infinite Creator through its beingto the energies in motion in order to engulf them and completely surround themwith the unconditional love of the open heart. Therefore, as the adept is ableto see this image as a visualization within its one-pointed focus inmeditation, then it may transmit further positively oriented love and light tothese energies so that they are permeated with the love and light thuslytransmitted. This is a type of visualization that, when it can be held in themind for a number of minutes, may, indeed, be able to transform in some degreethe negatively oriented energies in motion upon your planet at this time.


The adept, as it is able to hold thisimage in mind, then, at its conclusion, will clap the hands, or stamp the feet,in order to ground this vision within the third-density illusion. This type ofa motion or action is that which completes the exercise for the moment for theentity, for the adept. This is a type of exercise which is well, if it isrepeated upon a daily basis, for there are many, many energies of a negativelyoriented nature that are in motion at this time upon Planet Earth, and theadept will find itself drawn in many directions as it listens to the news, asit sees actions of a negative nature in motion, as it feels within its beingthe negativity in various portions of the planet, as it hears reports of thisand that type of negatively oriented experience, so that there will be, for theadept, the opportunity to continue this practice upon a daily basis and make ita function of its life experience.


There is, for many, another means bywhich this type of experience may also be provided, and that would be, as onemoves through the daily round of experience, to see each entity that oneencounters as the Creator, to see all interactions of entities as theCreator—as the Creator sharing its concepts of love and light to those aboutone. This is a less magical, shall we say, practice, as it engages thecontemplative state of the conscious mind, but also continues to allow theadept to have a further experience at bringing the love and the light of theOne Infinite Creator into its beingness to be beamed, as a kind of beacon, tothose that it will encounter as it moves through its daily round of activities.Thus, the amount of work, shall we say, of a magical nature that is possiblefor the adept to accomplish is endless. It is that, however, that is affectedby such efforts, for the pure seeker has great strength of a magical nature,and may, indeed, be effective in allowing the energies of positivity to grow asa flower-strewn field upon Planet Earth at this time.


Is there a further query, my sister?


Jan: Not along that line, thank you. Wehave a query from Michael. Michael says, “Are there any social memory complexesthat have switched/reconciled polarity in sixth density and have joined theConfederation? Are there any wanderers from such groups?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of thequery, my sister. We are aware that each negatively oriented entity and socialmemory complex, as it moves through the cycles of the densities, proceedingfrom third through fourth and fifth, will encounter a difficulty within thesixth density experience that will eventually result in the reversing of thepolarity of a negatively oriented entity or social memory complex. For previousto entering the sixth density, it is possible for negatively oriented entitiesto pursue the path of union with the One Creator by following the path ofseparation and control of entities about one so that there is the removing ofthe freewill and the gaining of the power of such entities that are sodominated by the negatively oriented entity. Each negatively oriented entity orsocial memory complex feels that it is the Creator and that there is, withinthis nature of its being, the rightness of setting the universe in order, shallwe say, so that there is the pecking order and the domination of the morepowerful, of the least powerful.


However, as these entities then movefrom the fifth density into the sixth density, there is the necessity ofblending and balancing the compassion of the fourth density, with the wisdom ofthe fifth density, in order to see that all are the One Infinite Creator andnot just the self. Therefore, this type of reversing the view of what was seenbefore, is necessary for all negatively oriented entities, for they must seethe self and the other self as the Creator and not just the self. This isdifficult for negatively oriented entities, so that they must at some pointreverse their polarity, and become what you would call positively orientedentities. This is possible for them because the power that they have gained inthe path of negativity is seen as the same as the power is gained by positivelyoriented entities, that is, it is a power in itself that has an effect uponconsciousness, the consciousness of the one that exudes and practices thispower.


Therefore, there is no need fornegatively oriented entities to retrace their steps and begin again at thebeginning within third density. The power that they have gained is seen by theOne Infinite Creator as being the same as the power gained by positivelyoriented entities. The fact that no further power can be gained, is the simplerealization of the negatively oriented entities that are extremely wise by thetime that they enter the sixth density experience and see this difficulty thatwill require that they flip their polarity, shall we say, and become positivelyoriented entities.


Is there another query at this time?


Jan: No, not along those lines. We haveanother query from Juan, he says, “Is it possible for a positively orientedthird-density being to perceive fourth-density service-to-other practices asservice-to-self?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of thequery, my sister. If we perceive the query correctly, the positively orientedthird-density entity then would be looking upon fourth-density experiences thatare supposed positive experiences but see them in a negative fashion. We wouldsuggest that this is possible for a positively oriented entity that has amisperception of the fourth-density experience that is perceiving, for thethird-density seeker is within the illusion of the third density beyond theveil of forgetting, so that there is the difficulty of seeing through this veiland clearly perceiving any experience of a fourth- density nature.


The beginning perception of thethird-density entity, then, of that which it sees within the fourth density, isthat which must be carefully looked upon and perceived and felt in a mannerwhich goes beyond the visible expression of what might be seen with thephysical eyes. There is the necessity, then, to look with the inner eye, theeye of the third eye, the indigo-ray energy center that perceives in a morebalanced fashion, that which is perceived whether it be in the third density orthe fourth density. We would recommend that such a seeker, then retire to themeditative state to reconsider the perceptions that have been designated asnegatively oriented when they, indeed, may not be such. This is a practice ofrespect, shall we say, or looking again at that which has been seen so that anew evaluation may offer itself to the seeker of truth.


Is there a final query at this time?


Jan: Yes. There is a query from Davidand David says, “What are demons? How did those beings become so separated ofthe love and the purposes of the Creator?


Q’uo: I am Q’uo and am aware of thequery, my sister. Those entities that are seen as demons are usually theprojected thoughtforms of negatively oriented entities that utilize suchthoughtforms in the attempt to control or to bring terror to certain entitiesso that they perhaps open themselves to further negative polarization, if theyare unable to correctly perceive the nature of the demon. Negatively orientedentities utilize such thoughtform projections in order to control certainentities through the concept of fear. The fear of these demons, then, is seenas that which could be ameliorated or removed by the negative entity, for theobject of its desire to control the entity that it is sending the demon tobring fear to.


Thusly, the demon is that quality thathas been constructed by the negative entity after ascertaining the kind ofbeing a certain third-density entity may find a reaction of fear for.Therefore, the demon is, shall we say, personally constructed for a particularmission, for not only a certain entity, but a certain type of entity—usuallythe weaker-minded entity that is unable to look beyond the demon and see thatit is a creature of the One Infinite Creator in its ultimate reality. And whenthere is love and light transmitted to it from the entity that was full of fearfor it, then there is the transmutation of the demon within the mind of theentity instead of fear. This is a means by which the entity that was the objectof the demon and the object of the negatively oriented entity’s efforts tocontrol, then is able, by calling to a higher power to move itself beyond thelevel of the negatively oriented entity and the demon and to shower both withthe love and the light of the One Infinite Creator that is heart-felt, forthere is, within this entity, then, the feeling that the One Creator is theultimate type of resource that all seekers of truth may call upon to deal withany demon or any perceived negativity within the life experience.


The negativity is that which is producedby the path of that which is not; that is, the path of negativity which cannotlong endure within the octave of experience, as we mentioned in the previousquery. Each positively oriented entity, then, that comes in contact with anytype of negative experience or demonic presence may, within the meditativestate, shower this entity or presence, then, with the love and the light thatit channels from the One Infinite Creator through its open heart to thenegatively oriented entity, blessing it on its way, as it then begins to seethat there is the One Creator existing in all of the creation within any demon,within any negatively oriented entity, and especially within the self, and willaid the self in seeing the nature of the reality of the One Creator that existswithin all.


At this time, we shall take our leave ofthis instrument and this group, thanking each, as always, for the opportunityto share your loving vibrations this particular day. We are always amazed atthe perseverance of such seekers of truth who move within a difficult illusion,and yet find so much love and presence of the One Infinite Creator within theirjourney of seeking. We are known to you as those of Q’uo. We leave each in thelove and in the light of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai vasu borragus.

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